Charles Breunig  
Take Time To Pray
  Sometimes, I ask myself, where is Jesus? Where is God in my life? If I had a hard day, I like to look back and wonder why my day was so hard. Where is God? Then I ask myself, did I ask God to be with me every minute of the day? If my answer is no. I need to ask why? Did I take time to pray and talk with God? But if the answer is yes. What is God trying to tell me? Take time for me. (God)
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Charles Breunig  
Praying is Asking and Also Listening To God.
Did you ever create something that you are the only one who knew each detail of it? That is how God knows everything about us. God knows each of us better than we know our self. He created each of us in his image (Genesis 1:27) ) with his hands. He knows every hurts that we have and each needs before we do. By doing the will of God we are doing our will. Also by doing God’s will we would feel peace and joy in our heart


Charles Breunig
God Must Come First
What is most important to you? Your job, or your family, or be with your friends, or spending time with God. Think about it for a while.In Luke 10: 27 He (Jesus) answered, “‘Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
 Take Time To Pray
Charles Breunig
Life is Changing But God is Good
Everyone changed over time. We came in this world as a baby and grow into an adult. Once we get into our 70’s or older we will die. As we are growing old we face many challenges. Each challenge changes us some way.
Charles Breunig
My Prayers

I truly believe praying is a conversation with God. Praying is talking to my best friend. If I am patient, God always answers my prayers. The rosary is not a prayer to Mary, the Rosary is asking Mary to pray for us. She is our mother in Heaven close to her son our Lord Jesus Christ.

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