Christian Poetry Blog
I want to do God’s Will

Every day we like to have a good day. Sometime I wake up with pain and want to roll over and go back to sleep. But I get up and start my daily journey.  I would say a prayer.

Through praying and reading the word of God, we fine what is the will of God for us. That is why I pray throughout the day. I say a rosary two times a day, one after lunch and another before I go to bed. I have an app for the rosary on my Ipad that I listen too. While I am praying the rosary I think on what I need to pray for.

I also read the daily reading. I get it by email. I watch the daily Mass on EWTN at 10 pm.
By praying is getting to know God’s will for me, But sometime I feel I don’t take enough time  to pray during my day. I try to spend time to talk with God. If I have a problem I ask God to guide me through my problem.

During lent is the time for praying and to get closer to God. Over the years I tried to give up something.  I learned lent is not about what I give up, but lent is about what I do for God and others. How I get to know God and his will for me.

Dear God,

Guide my thoughts so I know your will,
Help me calm my mind so I can hear your voice,
I want to know what is your will,
so I can do your will.


Charles J. Breunig


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